Activity 1: Accessing and Enrolling the Courses (MOOCs)

Please follow the steps below to complete this activity.

1. Register the Iversity platform.

2. Enroll the MOOC Design and Delivery course on Iversity. 

3. Please investigate the course content, materials, design and assessment activities carefully.

[You will automatically will be enrolled to the Online Proctoring Manager (OPM) training as soon as you register the PROWIDE system. In other words if you can see this page you are already enrolled the "Online Proctoring Manager" Course on this site. You can find it on your Dashboard.]   

4. Please examine the first module of the course entitled as "Introduction to Technology Based/Enhanced Teaching and Assessment".

5. If you have any questions or comments please share it via the discussion form titled as Week 1.

Now you may move to next activity.
Zuletzt geändert: Friday, 3. November 2023, 15:54